Training neural networks (deep learning) is very compute-intensive. Fast GPUs can make those sessions, which sometimes
take hours, days or weeks go orders of magnitude faster. However, laptops usually don’t come with the fastest GPUs and having
to maintain a desktop machine only to occasionally run deep learning tasks is extra hassle.
Cloud providers now offer virtual machines (VMs) with GPUs which run in data centers and can be used by anybody on an hourly basis.
Below is a quick tutorial that walks through setting up a VM in Microsoft Azure with the necessary drivers
to train neural networks using TensorFlow.
First, if you haven’t done so already, create an Azure account, install the Azure 2.0 command line interface (CLI)…
1 | sudo pip install azure-cli |
… and follow the login procedure:
1 | az login |
Azure manages resources (virtual machines, storage etc.) via resource groups.
GPU virtual machine instances are currently available in the East US region. If you already have a group for that region feel free
to use it, otherwise create a new resource group:
1 | az group create -n tensorflow -l EastUS |
We will connect to the machine via SSH and need to create a key pair:
1 | ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/tensorflow_id_rsa -t rsa -b 2048 -C '' -N '' |
Next, we create the actual virtual machine running Ubuntu 16.04.
We choose the cheapest and least powerful GPU size (NC6) and downgrade from premium (SSD) to standard storage (HDD) as the former is not supported for NC instances yet.
1 | az vm create -g tensorflow -n tensorflow --image Canonical:UbuntuServer:16.04-LTS:latest --size Standard_NC6 --storage-sku Standard_LRS --admin-username tensorflow --ssh-key-value ~/.ssh/ |
Once completed, the command will print the IP address for the newly created machine:
1 | { |
The VM is now running in a data center (and charging for cycles).
The following commands can be used to deallocate and restart anytime:
1 | az vm deallocate -g tensorflow -n tensorflow |
Connect to the machine via SSH (type ‘yes’, if asked to continue):
1 | ssh tensorflow@$(az vm show -d -g tensorflow -n tensorflow --query "publicIps" --o tsv) -i ~/.ssh/tensorflow_id_rsa |
Install CUDA 8.0
Next, download CUDA, make it known to apt-get and run install:
1 | wget |
Now we can check the status of the GPU(s) by running nvidia-smi
Install CuDNN 5.1
Next, download and install cuDNN…
1 | wget |
Environment variables
…and add the following exports to ~/.bashrc
1 | export CUDA_HOME=/usr/local/cuda-8.0 |
Install TensorFlow
The final step is to install Pip and the GPU version of TensorFlow:
1 | sudo apt-get install -y python-pip python-dev |
We can now start a Python console and create a TensorFlow session:
1 | python |
If everything went well, it will recognize the Tesla K80 GPU:
1 | I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/] |
Remember to deallocate the VM when done to avoid using cycles:
1 | az vm deallocate -g tensorflow -n tensorflow |
Once no longer needed, you can delete the virtual machine by running:
1 | az vm delete -g tensorflow -n tensorflow |